What is the success rate of drug and alcohol rehabs

Exploring Rehab Success Rates

Rehabilitation, often abbreviated as “rehab,” serves as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with addiction, injury, or mental health challenges. Its purpose is profound: to facilitate recovery, restore functionality, and ignite the flame of renewed hope in those navigating the often arduous journey toward wellness. Central to understanding the efficacy of rehabilitation efforts is…

What is the Best Treatment System for Addiction?

Treatment for addiction is a complex and multifaceted process that can take many forms. The best treatment system for addiction will vary from person to person, depending on the individual’s unique circumstances and needs. However, there are certain treatment systems that have been shown to be particularly effective for individuals struggling with addiction. What are…

What Is A Functional Alcoholic?

While “functional alcoholic” or “high-functioning alcoholic” isn’t a formal medical diagnosis, it is commonly used to refer to someone who is able to perform day-to-day tasks, i.e., going to work, childcare, and participating in social activities without much difficulty. Someone who is not able to do this typically exhibits signs of impairment that are in…

Does Insurance Cover Rehab?

Health insurance is a vital element of the healthcare system in the United States. It ensures that people have access to the care they need, when they need it.  For those with substance abuse issues, health insurance can be especially crucial. Substance abuse can lead to many illnesses, and having good insurance can help them…