What Distinguishes Alcohol Dependence From Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol addiction is a prominent topic of discussion among rehabilitation professionals. Not only does the disease stem from a widely accessible substance, but the severity of the problem isn’t always clear. What’s left is a distorted understanding of what alcoholism looks like and how it must be treated. Of course, there are robust rehab programs…

Ways to Say No to Alcohol

Sometimes the greatest line of defense against drugs and alcohol is having the self-confidence to say “no.” It’s such an obvious maneuver that it almost seems cliché to address. However, for some people, the idea of saying no is a battle of peer pressure and personal strife. In order to address these concerns, we’ve outlined…

Is There a Link Between Alcohol and Anger?

If you’re wondering how to deal with an angry drunk, keep reading. Alcohol is often associated with anger, aggression, and abuse. In fact, a recent study shows that alcohol is involved in about half of all violent crimes, more than any other drug. The phrase “angry drunk” is extremely common for a reason. But which…

How to Deal With Insomnia During Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol withdrawal can be extremely challenging. After quitting drinking, a person with mild withdrawal symptoms can include headaches and nausea. More serious effects include seizures and hallucinations. One of the more common and most difficult symptoms and one that causes many alcoholics to relapse is insomnia. Insomnia is characterized by poor sleep quality, prolonged wakefulness,…

What Are Alcohol Blackouts?

What exactly does it mean to blackout? It seems that definition takes on a different connotation depending on who we are talking about. For the deadbeat dad or homeless man on the corner, blacking out is understood in negative terms, wherein a person consumes too much alcohol in a bout of binge drinking, and as…